Blooming (Like a Flower)

 Blooming (Like A Flower)/Blooming (Painful)


I am 62 now. I have three girls-each birth different.

First: You had to have a shave and an enema- REALLY embarassing! Half way through I had Pethidine so I felt I gave birth at night- actually it was 4pm in the afternoon. Stitched up really badly.

2nd time: Better. My lovely GP was shocked when he saw the scar tissue and made sure I was beautifully stitched 2nd time round- so much easier to poo and walk afterwards!

Last one: bit like having the first, false starts, stitching not so good, lots of gas and air.

The netting in my STITCH project is because the 2nd & 3rd time I had this sensation/vision as the baby crowned that it felt like I was giving birth to a cauliflower! Weird, I know. Anyway, my stitching here looks like a flower, and I guess we "bloom" when we give birth in all sorts of ways.